Doctor Duvel

I'm like a sommelier, but for beer.

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Location: Upstate New York, United States

Favorite Beers: Orval, Samuel Smith, Duvel, Hennepin, Oude Gueze, Chimay, Dogfish Head, Anchor Steam, and anything made by Trappist monks.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Ruination vs. CIPA

Ruination: 7.7 abv

Mine's considerably richer in color

Ruination is way more gerranial/citrusy. Kind of a sourdough twinge to the nose.

I meant for this to be an important beer tasting, but Jeremiah called and I can barely type coherently. . .

The important point is that I in fact preferred my IPA to Ruination. Mainly this is because of the beauty of Chinook hops. Mine is just more resiny and richer and less grapefruity.

I said the following sentence to Jerm and he liked it so much that I typed it, before drinking too much Eagle Rare:

"Upon attaining verticality and ambulating about the house, I've discovered that those IPA's have really had an effect upon me."


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